
Ordinary Vegan Podcast

Ordinary Vegan Podcast - Are you sick of being sick? Do you want more energy? Do you want to treat yourself with more compassion? Ordinary Vegan addresses all aspects of eating and living healthfully. Each episode addresses commonly asked questions about being vegan, including food, cooking, recipes and nutrition. This unique podcast empowers and inspires the listeners to live a long, healthy life that is also kind to the planet and animals.
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Dec 19, 2018

Each year, over 50 million Americans experience various types of allergies.

Many of these allergic conditions are on the rise. 

In medicine, the hygiene hypothesis states a lack of early childhood exposure to germs suppresses the natural development of the immune system. 

In other words, living conditions in much of the world might be too clean and being exposed to germs as a child may protect us from allergies. 

An additional theory is that the increased antibiotic use parallels the rise in allergies and asthma. 

But other research suggests that the rising prevalence of allergies are the result of many factors.

Bottom line, no one really knows the why, but there are ways we can protect ourselves. 

Today we will explore the most common allergy causes, symptoms, and prevention. 

Discover what allergen triggers could be lurking in your home. Learn the difference between cold and allergy symptoms.  Find out some plant-based substitutions for common food allergies. 

Last but not least, I will reveal three foods that can help relieve your allergies.

Hope you enjoy today’s podcast.

Here is a link to today's recipe; Marinated Seitan Sandwich with Spicy Red Cabbage Slaw.

If you are just getting started on a vegan diet, make sure you listen to Podcast #1: Getting Started On A Vegan Diet and Podcast #2: Everything You Need To Know About Vegan Protein. 

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes or Spotify and please subscribe.  The more ratings and reviews the show gets, the better the visibility the podcast receives.

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here.

Follow me on Instagram for live plant-based cooking tips.

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 315,000 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Finally, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil made from Hemp, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects.

I just launched my Organic American Grown CBD Pain Cream from hemp in addition to my tinctures and capsules. My goal is to provide you with the safest and most reliable CBD on the market. You can read the testimonials here


Nov 21, 2018

Whether you want to improve your memory during exam season or simple stay sharp in your next work meeting, knowing the best brain food to add to your diet can really pay off.

Or maybe you are worried about age-related problems like dementia.

Although dementia is not a specific disease, it is a general term for a decline in mental ability.

Mental decline comes in lots of varieties, Alzheimer's is the most common and the most terrifying especially for older adults.

So, no matter who you are or what you do, consuming the best brain food is crucial to a sharp memory.

The good news is that new groundbreaking studies are offering compelling evidence that memory can be improved byeating the right foods.

Today's podcast is devoted to those studies and the best brain food you can consume.

The Best Brain Food Recipe - Link Here

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes and please subscribe.  The more ratings and reviews the podcast gets, the better the visibility the podcast receives.

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here.

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 315,000 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Finally, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil made from Hemp, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects.

I believe in the power of this natural plant and want to provide our community with a safe and reliable brand. You can now purchase plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp from Ordinary Vegan. And I now carry a new deep pain cream, a tincture and capsules. Hope it can help you.

To learn more about CBD Oil from Hemp, listen to Podcast #30: Everything You Need To Know About CBD.



Nov 2, 2018

You may think dream interpretation is an unusual subject for a health and wellness podcast, but dreaming is an important function for our emotional health. Dreams are often the way the brain solves problems and deals with our concerns.

Furthermore, some psychologists think that dreams are nothing more than random brain activity. While others like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung believe that dreams can reveal a person's deepest unconscious wishes and desire.

In particular, Freud's work on dreams explored the possibility of universal symbols in dreams. However, he was cautious about symbols and believed that symbols are more personal rather than universal. In other words, no one dream interpretation fits all.

And why do the same dreams reoccur? Why do you keep dreaming of missing a plane or having to cram for a college exam after you graduated from college? Some people even dream that they are being murdered or murdering someone else.

Above all,  lengthy, distressful, or violent nightmares can disrupt our sleep and as we all know rest is essential to human health.

Today, we learn how to analyze our dreams and why it is important with dream expert, Tricia Kelly.

Tricia Kelly teaches an inspirational blend of Western and Eastern wisdom. Her thirty-eight years of teaching are enhanced with perspectives gained from traveling the world. She includes in her work the dream symbolism and wisdom of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung and Edward Edinger.

Tricia's philosophy is that dreams are simply a doorway into our deeper selves, and teach us who we are and how we are made.

Tricia has an office in Costa Mesa, California. She is currently traveling and will begin meeting new clients in February 2019. You can reach her at

Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the podcast.

You can find all my podcasts on my website,,  iTunes,Spotify, Alexa, or on your favorite podcatcher.

Last but not least, Ordinary Vegan now sells all natural Vegan CBD Oil from Hemp. Ordinary Vegan  products are plant-based (vegan), Non-GMO, gluten-free, and tested to ensure the best quality CBD Oil available.

If you are not familiar with CBD, CBD oil from hemp is supplement containing cannabidiol, or CBD. While supplements are not intended to treat or cure any specific conditions, CBD is becoming more recognized amongst the medical community as a key supplement to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Many people describes their experience taking Ordinary Vegan CBD productsas feeling contented, clear-headed and composed.

Hope CBD Oil from hemp can help you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask at questions @ Or visit our FAQ page.

Oct 19, 2018

The amount of faux meats and processed vegan-friendly products has exploded in the past two years.

Subsequently, if you are a full-time or part-time vegan who regularly consumes processed vegan foods, these foods can be as unhealthy as animal products.

Bottom line, vegan lifestyles aren’t always healthier if you don’t fill your plate with a balance of whole vegan foods.

In today’s podcast, I discuss the 10 ten vegan foods you should include in your diet every day.

So even if you are already on a vegan diet, sometimes you need to get back to the basics and eat well-planned vegan foods to make sure you don’t miss out on essential nutrients.

Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.

In brief, no matter where you are on your vegan journey, eating a whole-food, plant-based diet centered on whole, unrefined vegan foods, will drastically improve your health and you will feel better than you have ever felt.

I also hope you join us on the 21-day Healthy Vegan Eating Challenge.

You can download my Daily Nutritional Vegan hecklist to help guide you.

Furthermore, you can join our private Facebook Group for updates and support.

Thanks for being here and I hope today’s podcast helps you live a long and healthy life.

Today's recipe for the Creamy Farro Salad with White Beans and Kale Topped with Ginger Miso Dressing can be found here.

Last but not least, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil from Hemp for its powerful natural anti-inflammatory properties for regulating muscle pain and stress response.

You can now purchase a safe and effective vegan CBD Oilfrom Ordinary Vegan. My mission is to provide you with the highest quality CBD Oil from Hemp on the market. I hope it can help you.

Don't hesitate to email me with any questions - questions @ Learn more about CBD Oil from hemp here.

If you would like to be a supporter of the Ordinary Vegan Podcast, go to Patreon for more details.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Sep 30, 2018

When I saw that September was National Suicide month, a month devoted to inform and engage the general public about suicide prevention, I finally got the courage to do a podcast about this subject. 

Suicide is a national health crisis and a serious medical condition like cancer or heart disease, and there should be no stigma attached to suicidal thoughts.

Anyone could be struggling and what I hope to accomplish in this podcast is how to recognize the signs and what you can do to help. 

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts yourself, there are immediate confidential options to help you cope and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just call 1-800-273-8255 in the United States. Or text HOME to 741741. 

You can also seek out a mental health professional at Mental Health America. 

There are also over 30 countries known to have national suicide prevention services and strategies. 

Thanks for joining me today. Suicide is a difficult conversation to initiate, but with better education and understanding, we can all help each other. 

Sep 18, 2018

Do you often feel the pain of others? Do you feel drained after being around certain people for too long? Do you find yourself caring for or taking care of others more than yourself sometimes? Do you feel feelings deeper, harder, and longer than others. Are you sensitive to smells, crowds or excessive talking. Do you have a strong connection to nature or the animal kingdom? If so, you may be an empath.

The trademark of an empath is that they feel and absorb other people's emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities.

Empaths are often targeted by emotional vampires due to the strength of the empath's emotions and vibrant energy.

So being an empath can be exhausting, especially if you don't understand this characteristic of yourself, and don't know how to protect yourself.

In today's podcast, we will explore the traits of an empath with Dr. Judith Orloff, the leading voice in the field of empaths, psychiatry, and intuitive development.

Dr. Orloff is the author of the best selling Book "The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People." In the book she educates readers about empaths, and offers strategies for empaths to protect themselves.

Hope you enjoy today's podcast. If you are just getting started on a plant-based diet, I recommend listening to Podcast #1: Getting Started On A Vegan Diet and Podcast #10: How To Achieve Optimal Health On A Plant-Based Diet.

To learn more about Dr. Judith Orloff and take a free empath self-assessment, visit

You can purchase Dr. Orloff's best selling book, The Empaths Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People" on Amazon. Judith also has other best selling books including "Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life".

Dr. Orloff is also doing empath workshops and book signings all over the country including Kansas City, New York City, Los Angeles and Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Today’s podcast is brought to you by the Ordinary Vegan line of CBD products made from agricultural hemp.

Vegan CBD Oil from hemp is a natural plant food that is taking the wellness world by storm for its promising ability to help with anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic attacks, migraines, arthritis ,fibromyalgia, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder and chronic pain.

When I began hearing the testimonials from so many of you in the Ordinary Vegan community, I was skeptical.  But after two years of research, I  came to the decision that CBD Oil is helping people get off medication for chronic pain or anxiety.

And there are so many CBD brands out there that are not safe or effective so I made a decision that it was essential to provide a safe, reliable vegan CBD oil from hemp for our health and wellness community.

You can find my CBD Oil from Hemp on my website and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions at

Don’t forget to join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook - We are over 315,000 strong and our community loves to help and support each other. Just go to

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life. And I look forward to serving you on my next podcast.



Aug 29, 2018

Cooking with plants is a lifestyle that can be enjoyed full or part-time. Even adding two or three plant-based meals to your diet every week can have significant health benefits.

A recent study published in the Journal of The American Heart Association revealed that swapping one or two servings of animal protein for plant protein could lead to a reduction in three main cholesterol markers for cardiovascular disease. 

Another study suggests that eating only one cup of leafy greens a day could slow the rate of memory decline in older adults. 

Today's podcast is devoted to getting back to the basics of cooking with plants. It doesn't have to be complicated. The methods of cooking that we discuss today provide maximum nutrition and satiate without a lot of time or energy. The kind of nutrition that makes you want to run up a mountain and not take a nap.

So please join me today and learn how to create delicious nutritious one-pot meals and easy steps to building a vegan burger. 

You can find today's recipes, One Pot Vegan Chickpea Cauliflower & Sweet Potato Stew & Vegan Black Bean Burger here.

I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. My number one goal is to keep you as healthy as possible.

I now advocate and promote CBD Oil from Hemp because it has shown to have a remarkable ability to help people with chronic pain and anxiety disorders. I base this on the hundreds of testimonials I have received. It took me two years, but I finally found a CBD oil to sell that is safe, effective, third-party tested, seed to shelf, environmentally friendly CO2 extraction and vegan of course. Unfortunately, most of the CBD on the market is not high quality.You can now purchase my vegan Plant-Based CBD Oil made from Hemp from me here. Hope it can help you!

If you have any questions or feedback, you can email me at 

Join our health and wellness community on Facebook.There are over 315,000 strong, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you. 

Also, if you get a chance, please write us a review on Spotify or  iTunes. Every review helps us spread the plant-based message.

Thanks and have a wonderful day! 

Aug 1, 2018

Health and wellness are not merely about diet and exercise, but also about limiting our exposure to toxic chemicals.

For the past two decades, toxic chemicals have been added to everything from make-up, household cleaning supplies, clothing, pots, pans, building materials, mattresses, and even perfume. And scientific studies are now showing us that chemicals found in a wide array of household goods are more toxic than we thought.

Today's podcast is devoted to unveiling the most common toxic chemicals that could unknowingly be harming your health and how to avoid them.

We will also discuss chemical toxicants that can induce autoimmune disease and the potential for environmental substances to worsen an autoimmune condition.

Toxic Chemicals cited:


Perchloroethylene (PERC)



Book cited:

Sick: A Memoir by Porochista Khakpour

If you found this podcast information helpful today, please share on social media and consider writing a review on iTunes.

The more reviews we receive, the more visibility and higher ranking iTunes give our podcasts.

Just getting started on a plant-based diet? Download my free Vegan Protein List.

Please join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook - We are over 315,000 strong and growing.

If you have any questions for Ordinary Vegan, email me at

Please sign up here to receive all of Ordinary Vegan's free delicious plant-based recipes.

Last but not least. Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, a natural food supplement, commonly referred to as CBD Oil, for its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects.

I believe it is the next step in health and wellness for people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, migraines, arthritis and chronic pain. You can now purchase a safe and effective vegan Plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp from Ordinary Vegan. I hope it can help you.

If you have any questions about CBD oil from hemp, don't hesitate to reach out to me at or visit my Frequently Asked Questions page. Or listen to my Podcast #30 - Everything You Need To Know About CBD Oil.

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.

Resources cited:

Environmental Working Group's Guide to Household Cleaners

Environmental Working Group's Cosmetics Guide



Jul 23, 2018

"The Starch Solution is a diet based on starch. Yes, let me say that again, it is a diet based on starch"
                             --Dr. John McDougall

“Dr. John McDougall is the dean of medical practitioners in nutrition-centered medicine- because of his incredible accomplishments, knowledge, and courage to stand up for what he believes. Thousands of his patients know him as an icon. When you read this book, you will too.”
— T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., coauthor of The China Study

These days, you mainly hear people recommending reducing carbs, particularly starchy carbohydrates. But Dr. John McDougall has experienced tremendous success with his chronically ill patients by emphasizing a vegan starch based diet.

If you have never heard of Dr. John McDougall, he has been a pioneer in the plant-based wellness world for many years.

As far back as the 1970s, Dr. McDougall began developing the starch based diet.

It all began when he was practicing medicine on a sugar plantation in Hawaii. He observed the declining health of families who traded their starch based diet from their native Asian countries and began eating a typical Western diet of red meat, oils, and processed foods.

The result was the Asian immigrants began to experience serious Western diseases like type-2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease which were unheard of in their native countries.

So, Dr. McDougall began treating his patients with whole plant-based foods that were free of meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and oil. The diet was approximately 80% percent complex carbohydrates, 12 percent protein, and 8 percent fat. Spices and small amounts of salt and sugar were added for flavor.

What Dr. McDougall discovered is that a plant-based starch based diet helped his patients lose weight and reverse their chronic disease.

In 2002, Dr. McDougall began the McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, California. The McDougall program is a three or 10-day residential treatment program which features his plant-based, low fat, starch based diet.

In June 2013, Dr. McDougall released his best selling book "The Starch Solution," which has sold over a million copies. His partner in life and wife Mary contributed recipes for the book.

The "Starch Solution" is based on a simple swap; fueling your body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats. Dr. McDougall's legion of followers says they have lost weight, boosted their energy and reversed their chronic disease like type-2 diabetes and heart disease.

Hope you enjoy today's fascinating conversation with best selling physician and nutrition expert, Dr. John McDougall.

Dr. McDougall's Resources:
The Starch Solution Book - Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!
Mary McDougall's Recipes
Dr. McDougall's Program Overview
Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center
Dr. McDougall's Free Resources
Dr. McDougall's Newsletter

Ordinary Vegan Resources:
CBD Oil From Hemp

*** Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. I believe it is the next natural step in health and wellness for people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression and chronic pain. You can now purchase a safe and effective vegan, plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp from me here.***

Jun 29, 2018

For those of you who are new to eating vegan, shopping for food can be daunting.

Today we take a look at what staples go into a vegan refrigerator, and we prepare a very versatile, rich, savory, creamy vegan white sauce. It is the perfect replacement for a traditional cream-based sauce and has many uses.

Filling your refrigerator with healthy, whole plant-based food makes cooking delicious vegan dishes a pleasure and not a chore. And planning ahead not only saves time and money, but it also allows a lot of flexibility and variation in your weekly meals.

In This Podcast We Learn:

  1. How To Maximize Flavors with Cooking Methods
  2. The Benefits of Batch Cooking
  3. Which Foods Belong In The Refrigerator - Which Don't
  4. How To Make a Fruit Paste As a Healthy Alternative to Refined Sugar
  5. Must-Have Vegan Condiments
  6. How To Prepare a Creamy Vegan White Sauce

You can find the creamy vegan white sauce recipe and fruit paste recipe at Ordinary Vegan

If you found this podcast information helpful today, please share on social media and consider writing a review on iTunes.

The more reviews we receive, the more visibility and higher ranking iTunes give our podcasts.

Learn more about stocking a vegan kitchen in Podcast #36: Vegan Cooking: Essential Ingredients For The Vegan Pantry.

Please join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook - We are over 315,000 strong and growing.

If you have any questions for Ordinary Vegan, email me at 

Please sign up here to receive all of Ordinary Vegan's free delicious plant-based recipes.

Last but not least. Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, a natural food supplement, commonly referred to as CBD Oil, for its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. I believe it is the next step in health and wellness for people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, migraines, arthritis and chronic pain. You can now purchase a safe and effective vegan Plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp from Ordinary Vegan. I hope it can help you.

If you have any questions about CBD oil from hemp, don't hesitate to reach out to me at or visit my Frequently Asked Questions page here.

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.

Jun 11, 2018

The documentary film, Eating Animals, begins with a simple question: where does our meat, eggs, and dairy come from? It then takes us on a eye-opening journey of today’s industrial animal agriculture.

Eating Animals, is a enlightening movie about the environmental, economic and public health consequences of factory farming in America. It is slated to hit theaters across the country this month. 

The film is produced and narrated by actress Natalie Portman, based on the best selling book by Jonathan Safran Foer and directed by Christopher Dillon Quinn.

It received high praises from film festivals across the country including a standing ovation at the 2017 Telluride Film Festival.

Director Christopher Dillon Quinn tells the story of factory farming through intimate narratives of farmers, breeders, and activists dedicated to bringing their trade and the way we eat back to its roots.

In today’s podcast, we discuss the making of Eating Animals and the state of industrial farming in America with the director Christopher Dillon Quinn.

In addition to Eating Animals, Christopher Dillon Quinn directed the award-winning documentary "God Grew Tired Of Us" about the lost boys of Sudan.

We also get to hear from the best-selling author behind the film,  Jonathan Safran Foer. Eating Animals is Jonathan’s third book.

A Los Angeles Times article stated that Eating Animals contains “the kind of wisdom that deserves a place at the table with our greatest philosophers.”

In a Huffington Post article, Natalie Portman claimed that the book was so compelling that she went from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist.

According to a piece by the New Yorker, the power of the book lies in its ability to discuss why humans can be so loving to their companion animals while simultaneously being completely indifferent to the ones they eat.

Eating Animals opens in theaters on June 15. You can find out cities and dates here.



Thanks for listening to the Ordinary Vegan's health and wellness podcasts. Please subscribe so you don't miss a podcast.

Also, if you get a chance, please write a review on iTunes. Every review helps us spread the plant-based message.

Don’t miss any of Ordinary Vegan’s FREE recipes by signing up here.

Join our health and wellness community on Facebook.There are over 315,000 strong, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD oil, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective vegan CBD Oil on Ordinary Vegan. Link here.

I believe CBD oil can help many people living with anxiety disorders or chronic pain and my mission is to provide you with the highest quality CBD oil from hemp on the market.

My number one goal is to keep you as healthy and as happy as possible. Learn more about how CBD Oil from Hemp may help you.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at

May 29, 2018

Can what you eat determine how long and how well you will live?

Today we discuss fasting, aging and longevity with Dr. Valter Longo who has devoted his life to answering that very question.

Dr. Longo is one of the world's leading scientific authorities on the subject of longevity and fasting. He is an Italian-American cell biologist who is the director of USC's Longevity Institute.

He also has a best-selling book called The Longevity Diet which features the 5-Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet.

Don't be fooled by the name 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet because Dr. Longo's approach is fasting with food and having all the health benefits of fasting without the hunger.

So let's meet Dr. Valter Longo and discuss how we can protect ourselves from aging and chronic disease with the 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet.

THE LONGEVITY DIET - Featuring the 5-Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet


CBD Oil From Hemp - Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil from Hemp for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective vegan CBD Oil on Ordinary Vegan.Learn more about how CBD can help you here.
Plant-Based Nutrition Coaching & Lifestyle Coaching with Nancy Montuori 
Facebook - over 315,000 community members
Instagram - #ordinaryvegan

May 16, 2018

What if I was to tell you that the best home remedies for chronic disease come from Mother Nature and may be sitting in your refrigerator right now?  

Though plant-based herbs and foods have been used for hundreds of years to heal, scientists are finally starting to substantiate plant’s abilities to reduce blood pressure, improve skin problems, fight coronary disease, improve symptoms of vertigo, enhance athletic performance and even help with hearing loss. 

Find out the foods that have these healing properties and how to include them in your everyday diet. It is easier than you think. 

More medicinal foods and their cures can be found here in podcast #14 - Ordinary Foods with Extraordinary Benefits.

Hope you enjoy Mother’s Nature’s healthy alternative to conventional medicine.

Today’s flavor-packed, hearty, gluten-free, vegan burger recipe made with beets, quinoa, and black beans can be found here. 

As discussed in today’s podcast, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, for its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. 

In 2018, after two years of research, I launched my first product - Ordinary Vegan plant-based CBD Oil from Hemp.  My fact-finding, research, and testimonials from our vegan community proved to me that this natural food supplement could help people with anxiety, depression, migraines, arthritis, neuropathy, and chronic pain, and that excited me because all I want to do is help people feel their best.

You can learn more about vegan CBD oil from hemp here, and I hope CBD can make everyone’s pain and anxiety more manageable. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have at

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes and please subscribe. iTunes works in mysterious ways, but the more ratings and reviews the podcast gets, the better the visibility the podcast receives.

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here. 

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 316,000 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

References cited:


Apr 18, 2018

Most of my podcasts are centered around nutrition and the value of a plant-based diet to help you live a long, healthy life, but today I want to get back to the basics. 

When you first begin experimenting with a plant-based diet, it can be confusing. What are the essentials to buy? How do I  properly cook those essentials? And what foods are needed to keep your family healthy and energized?

Those topics are also helpful for anyone who has been practicing a vegan diet for some years because slowing down and re-evaluating how we do things can improve our approach to a plant-based lifestyle.

In today’s podcast, we learn what vegan essentials we need to stock and techniques to properly cook those essentials.  

We also explore cooking with fresh and dried herbs.

Herbs add flavor and brightness to any meal but maximizing that flavor is something that most of us have never been taught. In this podcast, we will learn the difference between delicate and hardy herbs and how to store, prepare, and cook with those herbs. 

Last but not least, today we visit Ordinary Vegan’s kitchen not once, but twice and create two of my favorite breakfast recipes; Vegan Fried Egg with a runny center and my favorite Mediterranean Vegan Omelet. 

There is much to cover, so this will be Part-1 of my series on vegan cooking. Please make sure you come back for more.

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes and please subscribe. iTunes works in mysterious ways, but the more ratings and reviews the podcast gets, the better the visibility the podcast receives.

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here.

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 317,000 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Finally, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD Oil from Hemp, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp on Ordinary Vegan. Link here.

Mar 31, 2018

With the sharp rise in dementia and other brain disorders, it is vital to do everything we can to prevent brain disease. In this week's podcast, we learn brain disease symptoms and how to grow healthy brain cells for extra protection.

Many people understand the importance of having a healthy body, but many overlook the value of brain health. The human brain is an exceptional and complex mechanism, and we need to treat it with the utmost respect.

Brain scientists in recent years have discovered a number of surprising ways our brain affects our overall health. Some scientists even believe we have the ability to grow healthy neurons.

Today, we explore all the possibilities of cranial fitness to help you live a long, healthy, cognitive life.

We also go into Ordinary Vegan’s kitchen and make a recipe to keep your brain free of toxins.

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes and please subscribe. iTunes works in mysterious ways, but the more ratings and reviews the podcast gets, the better the visibility the podcast receives.

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here.

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 317,000 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Finally, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp on Ordinary Vegan. Link here.

Mar 20, 2018

Researchers have found that adopting a vegan diet for diabetes has the potential to prevent and even reverse Type 2 diabetes. A healthy plant-based diet could also help improve symptoms for anyone suffering from the many types of this disease.

And one of the best ways to manage diabetes is to learn as much as you can about your condition.

Diabetes is now a disease that affects 371 million people worldwide, and 187 million of them do not even know they have the disease, according to the International Diabetes Foundation.

People who have diabetes can have numerous challenges. Including not knowing what to eat and conflicting nutrition information.

If you don't have diabetes, please note that the US National Library of Medicines predicts that the prevalence of diabetes will increase by 54% between 2015 and 2030, so many people are at risk. It is never too early to protect your body from becoming pre-diabetic.

Symptoms of pre-diabetes are easy to miss. This stage is referred to as the "grey area." Without drastic lifestyle changes, people with pre-diabetes could progress to full-blown diabetes. The scary thing about this type of diabetes is that it may have no signs or symptoms, and you won't find out unless you have a blood test.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common diabetes, and over 85% of people with diabetes suffer from Type 2. This type is considered a lifestyle disease and associated with the way a person lives. The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include diet, nutrition, lack of exercise, and drug or alcohol abuse.

With that said, it doesn't mean it's your fault that you have this disease. We have been duped by food advertising, food pyramids, food trends and misguided information about diet and food.

In today's podcast, I will share what's new in diabetic research and what it means to you. You will learn how to make nutrition therapy a part of your treatment plan. Including a list of superfoods that may help you prevent and even reverse your type-2 and pre-diabetes. We will also explore if a vegan diet for diabetes is the right diet for everyone.

Join me in Ordinary Vegan's kitchen and prepare a rainbow chard superfood recipe for people with diabetes. 

Thanks so much for listening and for being part of our healthy community.

If you have a chance, please leave a rating and review on iTunes and please subscribe. 

Don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's recipes by signing up here.

You can also join our health and wellness community on Facebook. There are over 317,400 active, vibrant community members waiting to embrace you.

Finally, many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp on Ordinary Vegan. Link here.


Feb 27, 2018

Americans alone, increased their seafood consumption to 15.5 pounds of fish and shellfish per person in 2015. Up nearly a pound from the previous year, making it the biggest leap in seafood consumption in 20 years.

Overfishing has been created by advanced fishing technology and an increased demand for fish. This has caused several marine species to become extinct or endangered. 

The seafood business is also valued at billions of dollars, and when that much money is at stake, people can become very greedy. 

Fishing vessels as big as cruise ships troll the waters and have the ability to fish four times more fish than ever before.

Some scientists are predicting that seafood will eventually run out because of the global loss of seafood species. 

In todays podcast, we break down how overfishing impacts human lives, and why it is everyone’s problem. 

We also discuss fish toxicity and which high mercury fish to avoid. 

Last but not least, is fish a healthy food to consume?

Thanks for joining us today. Please subscribe and if you get a minute, please rate and review so more people can learn the health benefits of a plant-based diet. 

Join our vibrant, supportive health and wellness community, on Facebook. We are now 317,000 strong.

You can find all of Ordinary Vegan's FREE recipes and every resource you need to begin or maintain a vegan diet at Sign up here to receive Ordinary Vegan's FREE recipes.

Thanks for joining me today. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always here to serve you, and I appreciate your feedback and your kind words.

Ordinary Vegan just launched her first new product - CBD Oil From Hemp. My number one goal with this product is to provide a safe and effective oil to help you live an anxiety-free, pain-free life. All your questions about non-psychotic Plant-Based CBD Oil from Hemp Leaves are answered here.



Feb 13, 2018

Menopause is a natural period in the life of every woman. 

On average, menopause starts after 45 years. It is defined as the point in time when menstrual cycles permanently cease due to the natural depletion of ovarian cells from aging.

Many women experience physical and emotional symptoms during menopause, caused by hormonal imbalance. 

Today we learn the common symptoms of menopause and key foods to help and even eliminate menopausal symptoms. 

The earlier you make sure these foods are staples in your menopause and perimenopause diet, the more manageable menopause and the years beyond will be.

Ordinary Vegan also shares one of her favorite plant-based recipes to help manage menopause. 

Thanks for joining us today. I am deeply passionate about providing all the information you need to live a long and healthy life.

If you enjoyed today’s podcast, please subscribe in iTunes, and if you get a minute, please write a review. 

You can find all my recipes and podcasts on 

Just getting started on a plant-based diet? Here is a free downloadable list of delicious vegan protein and visit for every vegan essential you will need for your journey.

Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. You can now purchase safe and effective CBD Oil on Ordinary Vegan. Link here.  

Studies and resources referenced:


Jan 30, 2018

Flu season is on track to be the worst in nearly a decade. The CDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention) has reported that there have been over 56,000 flu-related deaths, 710,000 people hospitalized and 16 million who sought care from a clinician or hospital so far this season. 

Many doctors and researchers are scratching their heads about why there are so many viruses and trying to combat the flu involves a fair amount of guesswork. 

On today's podcast, we discuss a common food additive called trehalose that has been making headlines because of some recent scientific evidence.

What scientists found out is that pathogens like a virus, bacteria or fungus in our body, can be boosted by this additive and might be driving the rise of one of the most aggressive superbugs. 

We also discuss the best food to consume during flu season and to fight infections anytime of the year. 

Ordinary Vegan also shares her soup recipe that can help combat the flu, common cold and infections. 

Join our vibrant, supportive health and wellness community, on Facebook. We are now 315,000 strong. 

You can find all of Ordinary Vegan's FREE recipes and every resource you need to begin or maintain a vegan diet at

Thanks for joining me today. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always here to serve you, and I appreciate your feedback and your kind words. 

Ordinary Vegan just launched her first new product - CBD Oil From Hemp. My number one goal with this product is to help you live an anxiety-free, pain-free life. All your questions about non-psychotic CBD Oil are answered here.

Resources cited:



Jan 6, 2018

Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. But as its popularity grows so doesn’t the confusion and misconceptions about this plant-based oil. 

About a year ago I decided to take a long hard look at CBD oil and its health benefits. I must admit in the beginning I was skeptical because I didn’t see enough sound scientific proof. 

Well, a lot has changed in a year, and there are now many more studies and compelling personal stories about the health benefits of CBD.

In today’s podcast, we break down what exactly is cannabidiol is, the health claims and the vast difference between the hemp plant and the marijuana plant. 

You will learn how cannabidiol  (CBD) works in the human body and the surprising ways it affects the human anatomy. 

We will also discuss many of the studies linking CBD oil as a potential treatment for epilepsy, inflammation, neuropathic pain, migraines and anxiety disorders like panic disorder, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Thanks for joining us today. I am deeply passionate about providing all the information you need to live a long and healthy life. If you enjoyed today’s podcast, please subscribe in iTunes , and if you get a minute, please write a review. 

You can find all my recipes and podcasts on 

Just getting started on a plant-based diet?

Here is a free downloadable list of delicious vegan protein and visit for every vegan essential you will need for your journey.

Safe, effective, vegan, seed to table, 3rd party tested, non-GMO, gluten-free CBD Oil is now available from Ordinary Vegan. Click here.

Studies and resources cited:




Dec 6, 2017

They say the secret to happiness is helping others. If that is true, Dr. Michael Greger must be one of the happiest men in the world. The great lengths that he goes to help people understand the connection between nutrition and chronic disease is unrivaled.

If you are not familiar with Dr. Michael Greger, here is some background.

A graduate of Cornell and Tufts University School of Medicine, Dr. Greger has been published in a vast amount of scientific journals, testified before Congress and lectures at countless symposiums. He was even an expert witness in the infamous Oprah Winfrey meat defamation lawsuit.

In his downtime, he can be found constructing policy initiatives as Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture for the Humane Society. 

He also wrote a best selling book called “How Not To Die” which explains why the top 15 causes of death in the USA can be treated, prevented and even reversed with plant-based nutrition. 

He also runs the popular website, a nonprofit, science-based public service providing free daily videos and articles on the latest in nutrition research. features hundreds of impeccably researched and easily understandable videos that cover every facet of nutrition and health. 

In the next week or so he will be releasing yet another book called the “How Not To Die Cookbook" which has already been named the best cookbook of the year by the New York Times.

Oh by the way 100% of fees and proceeds he receives from speaking and book sales are donated to charity.

Another powerful testament to Dr. Greger’s love of helping people get well.

And obviously, Dr. Greger is a very busy man, so I felt very honored that he took some time to stop by the Ordinary Vegan podcast. 

Specifics covered today include breast cancer, soy consumptions, Parkinson's disease, prostate cancer, suicide, mental health, and auto-immune disease among others.

You can purchase Dr. Michael Greger's books on Amazon - link here.

Today's recipe, My Favorite Vegan Mushroom Gravy Recipe For the Holidays, can be found here

You can find all my recipes, nutritional advice, podcasts, show notes and vegan essentials on my website

Make sure you subscribe on iTunes or sign up here, so you don't miss any of Ordinary Vegan's podcasts.


Nov 22, 2017

Confused about carbohydrates? Well you are not alone and learning what good carbohydrates are is the key to a successful healthy diet.

To understand why carbs often get a bad rap, first, we need to be aware of the different types of carbohydrates.  

Why is this important?

Because carbohydrates are our body’s primary source of energy. If you eat healthy carbs, as part of a balanced diet that includes protein and fat, your body will function the way it should. 

If you consume unhealthy carbohydrates, you can develop serious health issues including diabetes, auto-immune disease, and obesity.

In today’s podcast, we break it down. Learn which foods are good carbohydrates and how they contribute to weight loss, normal blood sugar and energy.

We will also learn where all the bad carbohydrates are hidden and which foods to avoid.

If you found this podcast information helpful today, please share on social media and consider writing a review in iTunes.

The more reviews we receive, the more visibility and higher ranking iTunes gives our podcasts.

Please join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook – We are over 313,000 strong and growing – here is the link. I am now doing a Facebook Live Cooking Show every Friday at 3pm PST so please try to join us.

If you have any questions or comments for Ordinary Vegan, email me at I love hearing from you and appreciate your reviews, feedback and kindness.

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.

You can support today’s podcast sponsor by visiting

Pema Chodron - When Things Fall Apart

Dr. John McDougall - The Starch Solution


Nov 14, 2017

Nathan Runkle is an American animal rights advocate. At the ripe old age of fifteen he founded Mercy For Animals

Reared on a farm in rural Ohio, Nathan has a deep connection with farmed animals. His advocacy and his organization is responsible for sparing 22 million animals from cages and mutilation, thanks to corporate policy victories. His organization is also responsible for freeing 31 million animals from cages annually, thanks to new laws promoted by Mercy For Animals. 

Nathan believes that a world in which all animals are treated with kindness and compassion is coming into view. 

Today, we listen to this man’s inspiring story and get his opinion on everything from lab-grown meat to how we can all help animals from inhumane treatment.  

Nathan just released a new book called “Mercy For Animals: One Man’s Quest To Inspire Compassion and Improve the Lives of Farm Animals.”

You can purchase Nathan's book here on Amazon.

If you found this podcast information helpful today, please share on social media and consider writing a review on iTunes.

The more reviews we receive, the more visibility and higher ranking iTunes gives our podcasts.

Please join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook - We are over 313,000 strong and growing -Here is the link.

If you have any questions for Ordinary Vegan, email me at 

Please sign up here to receive all of Ordinary Vegan's free delicious plant-based recipes.

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.


Nov 8, 2017

New research suggests that when to eat a meal plays a significant role in predicting weight loss or gain.

I am not a big fan of counting calories on a plant-based diet because I believe a healthy vegan diet is a path to lifelong weight control.

But the idea of when to eat your calories could make sense for some people who haven't been able to lose weight on a plant-based diet or have problems sleeping.

Today I share with you a lot of research I have been doing on weight loss and weight gain, and it has been fascinating.

What I have discovered is that that there is a science behind when to eat to lose weight.

Have you ever noticed that you tend to feel energized and drowsy around the same times every day? This is your circadian rhythm at work. Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour clock that is running in the background of your brain. It is also know as the sleep-wake cycle.

In the last 15 years, there's been a wealth of evidence suggesting that abnormal or impaired circadian rhythms can bring an increased risk for many illnesses including cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, obesity and even emotional dysregulation.

Find out when to eat your meals to maximize weight loss, sleep better and decrease your risk for chronic disease in this podcast.

There is a lot to learn and I hope you enjoy today's conversation.

Here is the link to the Pumpkin Bread with Oats and Walnuts recipe. Learn more about what to eat on a plant-based diet here.

If you found this podcast information helpful today, please share on social media and consider writing a review in iTunes. The more reviews we receive, the more visibility and higher ranking iTunes gives our podcasts.

Please join our healthy and supportive community on Facebook - We are over 313,000 strong and growing - here is the link.

If you have any questions for Ordinary Vegan, email us at Sign up here for all of Ordinary Vegan's free recipes. 

Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.

When To Eat For Weight Loss Resources


Sep 27, 2017

Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and one of the most terrifying diseases out there. Polls show that people are more scared of getting dementia in old age than any other disease.

Alzheimer’s is not just a disease of old age. Younger-onset also know as early onset Alzheimer’s affects people younger than 65 and 5 million people in the United States alone have younger-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. 

Since 2000, deaths from Alzheimer’s disease have increased by 89% and in 2015 The Alzheimer’s Disease International  estimated that someone in the world develops a form of dementia every three seconds.  

Yet some populations in the world like South Asia and Africa not only live long, healthy lives, but remain cognitively healthy too.

So what are they doing right? That is what we are going to discuss today. We are going to discover ways you can protect yourself from Alzheimer’s Disease, memory problems and dementia. And find out the brain's amazing potential to improve cognitive function. 

We will also visit Ordinary Vegan's Kitchen and create a delicious plant-based recipe with one secret ingredient that can improve your memory.

Are you a company interested in sponsoring the podcast? Click here to learn more.


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